Handbell Toolbox

4. Exploring plain methods

4.2. Original Minor

Original is a really useful learning method, particularly for learning how blocks of place notation work and can link together. 

What is Original?

Original Minor is essentially Plain Hunt with bobs and singles. It is classified as a principle because the treble is no longer a special bell – it is affected by calls in the same manner as all of the other bells (Stedman and Erin are also principles).

How does it work?

All the bells plain hunt until a bob is called. The treble is affected just like any other bell. In minor the bob is called at backstroke:

  • The bob is made in fourths place as in Plain Bob.
  • The bells in 1/2/3 are unaffected.
  • The bells in 5/6 dodge with each other

Note that the calls can be made at consecutive backstrokes so that you are still ringing one bob while the next is being called. You have to develop a high level of concentration to keep listening to the calls and continue counting your place.

Writing out touches of Original

Original Minor

The touch on the left is 24 Original Minor which keeps the trebles unaffected. It is represented on the right by the calling notation (B,P,P,P,P,B)*2.

Substituting place notation (x16) for the plain hunt and (x14) for the bobs gives a place notation of x14x16x16x16x16x14 which can then be used to generate the touch using method viewing software, such as https://rsw.me.uk/blueline/methods/.