Handbell Toolbox

7. Calling and conducting

7.5. Calling touches of Kent and Oxford

Both Kent and Oxford are sixth place methods, the lead end comprising a (x16) or plain hunt block. This contrasts with Plain Bob which has a (x12) block at the lead end. To call a bell unaffected, you don't call Wrong or Home, but In and Out (of the slow work).

Three homes

Calling at a wrong or home results in the calling bell being affected.

If you call a bob at the end of each of the first three leads then the tenors ring the same lead (the first lead) three times whilst the other bells practise making the bob, running in and running out. The touch is only three leads long.

In, Out, repeated

Calling any bell (but it is traditionally the tenor) to run in and then run out, two times, will give you a two course touch of 240 changes.

An extent

Calling "In, Out, In" three times, is analogous to the "Wrong, Home Wrong" three times called for a seconds place method.