Method Toolboxes for ringers

8. Plain Bob Doubles Toolbox

8.2. Bobs explained

Bob structure

As the treble leads (at what is known as the lead end) fourths place is made, instead of the seconds place made in the plain course. 

At the bob

Call are made when the treble (red) is in seconds place, hunting down to the lead. The bob changes what three of the bells do at the lead end.

  • The bell about to make seconds (green) plain hunts straight out to the back. This is known as running out. Following the bob, it becomes third place bell, and its next piece of work will be making seconds over the treble.
  • The bell about to make 3-4 down (blue) plain hunts straight to the front. This is known as running in. Following the bob, it becomes seconds place bell, and its next piece of work will be dodging 3-4 down.
  • The bell about to dodge 3-4 up (magenta) makes fourths (two blows) and plain hunts back to the lead. This is known as making the bob. Following the bob, it becomes fourth place bell, and its next piece of work will be making making long fifths.
  • The bell making long fifths (orange) is unaffected by the bob, continuing to ring the method as normal
  The bob in Plain Bob Doubles

There are three bobs in a standard extent (or touch) of 120 changes. Shorter touches can also be called.


Download the Plain Bob Doubles – effect of the bob cribsheet for further study or for use in the tower.