4. Exploring plain methods

In this chapter we will address the issue of how best to learn and ring new methods on handbells.

If you are already a tower bell ringer you will be used to the techniques based on learning the 'blue line' and following it through the other bells, pausing sometimes to make places, or just treble bobbing up and down, like in Kent with occasional stints of leading and making seconds until the treble re-appears. Sometimes you will have to slide through the 3-4 dodging position instead of doing a dodge. These changes to plain hunt that you are used to are governed by the number and positions of 'places' made by the bells.

When ringing handbells however, there is another technique that is used. Some ringers also use it on towerbells too, although not many who are not handbell ringers of some experience.

This new technique is called 'place notation'. It would serve you well in both tower and handbell ringing if you take time to understand what this technique can offer. You are strongly encouraged to study this rather technical section well and do ask your instructors if you are having difficulties. Everyone had to learn this stuff sometime in their lives.