Some towers see working-age adults as the ideal recruits. They are often  settled, have a family in the local area orat school or university and a job, no plans to move, old enough to show a commitment and bring along experience, intelligence, and yet are physically able enough to ring.

You may find that this age group are attracted by the idea of some "time out away from work or the kids", doing an activity that’s just for them, with the opportunity of spending time and making friends with other adults. As these days, plenty of friendship and social contact is through online media such as Facebook or text, ringing also offers the chance to get together with others in person and enjoy a shared activity.

They can learn quickly contrary to some people's perceptions. 

Neil Waterman

Neil started learning to ring at 50 and completed the Learning the Ropes curriculum in 18 months. To do this he had to ring 6 quarter peals including one of Plain Bob Minor inside. In the following year, he rang 12 methods inside to quarter peal standard, comprising 8 Doubles, 3 Plain Minor plus Kent Treble Bob Minor.

Neil Waterman receiving a Learning the Ropes Plus certificate