9. Grandsire Doubles Toolbox

What is Grandsire Doubles?

Grandsire Doubles has two bells that plain hunt; in a plain course they are the treble and the second. For this reason it is known as a twin-hunt method, and the bell that is plain hunting in addition to the treble is know as the hunt bell. Grandsire Doubles has three working bells (the 3, 4 and 5) and therefore only three pieces of work. There is less to learn to ring a plain course than Plain Bob Doubles but touches are more complex. Because the second plain hunts throughout, the plain course is only three leads long, compared to four leads for Plain Bob Doubles.

Calling Grandsire

Touches of Grandsire contain both bobs and singles. The call is made at handstroke when the treble is in thirds place hunting down to the front. It takes effect the following handstroke which is one blow earlier than in Plain Bob Doubles.

Ringing your bell in the right place

The dodges in Grandsire feel very different to those in Plain Bob. In:

  • Plain Bob Doubles – the 3-4 dodge requires the "step back" to be made at backstroke.
  • Grandsire Doubles – the 4-5 dodge requires the "step back" to be made at handstroke.

Switching between the two methods can be confusing unless you rigorously count your place and have learnt when the "step back" or dodge is made in each method.

Learning aids
Stepping stone methods
Beyond Grandsire Doubles